Čtvrtek 06. února 2025

The Association Of Energy Managers


The AEM founded in 1992, is an indepoendent, non-governmental and non-profit association of managers whitch are resposible for efficient genertion, transmission, distribution and end-use of energy as well as for a perfect supply of energy. Joining professionals on a partnership basis, the AEM is aimed at contributing to mutual improvement of the legyl, business and technical environment for the economic use of energy.

The mission and objectives as stated above cover:
  • provide members as well as general public with proper information
  • to organize exchange of experience
  • to enable members to také part in the process of creating and passing new bills and regulations, incl. State Energy Policy
  • to support policy of sustainable development and contribute to further reduction of pollution of enviroment
  • to organize permaent educiation by organizing conferences, workshopps and other professional events

At the time of getting member the EU, the Czech Republic must ready to follow directives concerning the electricity and natural gas markets. As a part of activities of the AEM a new body has been estabilished, i.e. Association of Large Energy Consumers. Among its aims rank efforts.

  • to influence modifications of the ČR legislation
  • to provide members with professional assistance when underertaking necessery changes in technical approach to measurment of energy
  • to instruct large consumers in market-oriented systém of elektricity and gas trading